{% extends 'dashboard/layout.html' %}
{% load currency_filters %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block body_class %}{{ block.super }} orders home{% endblock %}
{% block extrahead %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumbs %}
{% endblock %}
{% block headertext %}
{% trans "Dashboard" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block dashboard_content %}
{% trans "Latest Orders (last 24 hours)" %}
{% for y_value in hourly_report_dict.y_range %}
- {{ y_value|currency }}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in hourly_report_dict.order_total_hourly %}
{{ item.end_time|time }}
{{ item.total_incl_tax|currency }}
{% endfor %}
{% trans "Orders - Last 24 Hours" %}
{% trans "Total orders" %} |
{{ total_orders_last_day }} |
{% trans "Total lines" %} |
{{ total_lines_last_day }} |
{% trans "Total revenue" %} |
{{ total_revenue_last_day|currency }} |
{% trans "Average order costs" %} |
{{ average_order_costs|currency }} |
{% trans "Manage" %}
{% trans "Orders - All Time" %}
{% trans "Total orders" %} |
{{ total_orders }} |
{% trans "Total lines" %} |
{{ total_lines }} |
{% trans "Total revenue" %} |
{{ total_revenue|currency }} |
{% trans "Total open baskets" %} |
{{ total_open_baskets }} |
{% trans "Customers" %}
{% trans "Total customers" %} |
{{ total_customers }} |
{% trans "New customers" %} |
{{ total_customers_last_day }} |
{% trans "Total open baskets" %} |
{{ total_open_baskets_last_day }} |
{% trans "Catalogue and stock" %}
{% trans "Total products" %} |
{{ total_products }} |
{% trans "Open stock alerts" %} |
{{ total_open_stock_alerts }} |
{% trans "Closed stock alerts" %} |
{{ total_closed_stock_alerts }} |
{% trans "Offers, vouchers and promotions" %}
{% trans "Active Site Offers" %} |
{{ total_site_offers }} |
{% trans "Active Vouchers" %} |
{{ total_vouchers }} |
{% trans "Promotions" %} |
{{ total_promotions }} |
{% endblock %}