{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load compress %} {% load promotion_tags %} {% load socialaccount %} {% load sass_tags %} {% load useragent %} {% load customer_tags %} {% load geoip_tags %} {% load menu_tags %} {% block styles %} {% comment %} If you are developing Oscar's CSS, or overriding Oscar's CSS files in your project, then set OSCAR_USE_LESS = True in your settings file. This will enable the on-the-fly less compiler. {% endcomment %} {% compress css %} {% endcompress %} {% endblock %} {% block layout %} {% block messages %}
{% include "partials/alert_messages.html" %}
{% endblock %} {% block navigation %} {% include "partials/nav_primary.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block submenu %} {% endblock %} {% block header_image %} {% endblock %} {# Main content of page - other layout templates may override this block #} {% block content_wrapper %} {% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %} {% block header %} {% endblock %} {% block subnavigation %}{% endblock %}
{% block subheader %}{% endblock subheader %} {# Render promotions #}
{% for promotion in promotions_page %} {% render_promotion promotion %} {% endfor %}
{# Div exists for AJAX updates to entire content section #}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block extra_stuff %} {% country_selected as country_selected %}
{% country_selector %}
{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block cdn_scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {# Local scripts #} {% block scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block extrascripts %} {% is_mobile as mobile %} {% is_tablet as tablet %} {% providers_media_js %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block onbodyload %} {{ block.super }} oscar.init(); {% endblock %}